R.I.P Ron Kitching 1929-2011

Viv Forbes writes on the late Ron Kitching:
I first met Ron Kitching in 1966 – he took me to inspect a copper prospect called Mount Colin near Cloncurry. We struck a chord that day and since then our lives seem to have crossed many times over his long life. I never failed to learn something useful or interesting from him.
Ron was never luke warm – he was either engrossed and enthusiastic, or indifferent, or fiercely opposed.
He was engrossed and enthusiastic about exploration, drilling, soils, pastures, cattle, water, the principles of freedom, sound money, classical liberalism, the history of the universe and the battle for carbon sense.
More: http://think-right.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/rip-ron-kitching.pdf [PDF, 336 KB]
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