Dear Government

Viv Forbes
Written April 1998.
It was Gough Whitlam, I think, who said:
“It must be election time – I can feel a dam coming on”.
It was also probably Gough’s political adviser, who, at the start of a vote buying tour of regional Australia, advised his chief:
“If they’ve got a river, promise them a dam. If not, promise them a college of advanced education.”
Working on the observation that the only time the butterflies in Parliament even pretend to listen to us toads who employ them, is during election time, it is probably a good time to offer them all some advice. This open letter is thus directed to all candidates from all parties in both Queensland and Federal electorates, and their staff, advisers lobbyists and wordsmiths. (That probably gives a potential audience of several million.)
Dear Government,
Please stop doing things to us – you have done too much already.
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