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CREATING UNEMPLOYMENT in the Kingdom of Good Intentions

December 2nd, 2013 by Viv

By Viv Forbes December 1990. First published in Business Queensland in 1990.

An economic and social tragedy called unemployment is now rolling over Australia like a toxic smog. Generated in the poisonous hot air rising from every Parliament in the land, this murky soup of legislative and bureaucratic stupidity will suffocate the productive life of many businesses and their workers. Most of the victims will be unaware of the cause of their problems. Bosses will blame workers, and vice versa, while the real culprits cavort the world on fact finding trips or debate irrelevancies in the Industrial Relations Club.

The majestic and relentless progress of this tragedy is recorded like epitaphs on numberless tombstones in each day’s headlines.

Just one day last week produced these four headlines – “Jobless Queue Grows”, “Business Denied Tax Relief”, “Builder in Receivership” and “Recession no Excuse for Pay Cuts”.
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